Sagi Yogev has been engaged in managing pensionary arrangements, life assurance portfolios, health insurance, managerial insurance and pension for over 25 years. Since 1990 Sagi Yogev operates as a subsidiary of Migdal Insurance Company Ltd. Sagi Yogev group was established in 1986, is among the four prominent arrangements managers in the area of managerial insurance, pension and health insurance. Total premiums collected by the group in 2011 exceed over 1.2 billion NIS. New premiums earned in 2011 amounted to a quarter billion NIS.
A net of connections and a strong back
Sagi Yogev operates pursuant to the Supervision of Financial Services Law (Pension Consultancy and Pension Marketing) - 2005. As per this Law, Sagi Yogev is a pensionary agent and not a pensionary advisor.
Even though a subsidiary of Migdal it has business connections with Migdal, Harel, Menorah, Clal, Eliyahu, Phoenix, Ayalon and Hachshara insurance companies and the following pension funds: Makefet, Mivtahim, Phoenix, Gilad and Meitavit Atudot.
As well as 'Educationa Funds', provident funds and investment portfolios companies managed by: Migdal, Sash, Excellence, Psagot, Meitav, Yellin Lapidot, Clal, Altschuller Shaham, Analyst, Harel, The Phoenix, I.B.I. and Tamir-Fishman.
Sagi-Yogev markets their products in exchange for commission.
The economic strength of Sagi Yogev relies mostly on its connection to the parent company Migdal, the largest insurance company in Israel.
The size of Sagi Yogev Group, the scope of its businesses, its professional connections with all insurance companies in Israel and its "familial attribution", provide it with momentum and flexibility in economic entrepreneurships, quick response ability, creativity and high skills in promoting the processes of handling customers.
Activity arms
The insurance group Sagi Yogev serves as a high quality and reliable platform for its agents. The Group works with all insurance companies and markets the large companies operating in this area, most pension funds and private investment houses in the market. Migdal's and The Phoenix' life assurance teams work from Sagi Yogev's offices, such that the policies' production process is partly made on the spot.
Sagi Yogev Group operates via three arms:
> Its own customers portfolio, that constitutes the Group's business core. This portfolio is operated from the Company's headquarters.
> Subsidiaries, expanding Sagi Yogev's operations basis in insurance portfolios and in additional insurance areas.
> Independent agents, operating in their offices or from the offices and branches of Sagi Yogev, and are assisted by the Group's service and technology infrastructures.
Sagi Yogev includes 75 agencies and agents, who are the largest in the market, as well as approx. 190 salarieds, operating vis-à-vis all insurance companies, pension funds and off bank financial entities.
The company's headquarters is situated within Migdal's compounds in Kiryat Arieh, Petach Tikva, where the management, direct portfolio, health and finance departments, know-how and training, marketing are located, as well as general insurance through mutual ventures , software development, and Migdal's operating unit working exclusively for Sagi Yogev.
The Group operates three branches:
> Head office
> Agencies branch
> Jerusalem branch
> Haifa and North branch
All the branches are connected to the technological infrastructures in the Group's headquarters, and to the training, operations, finances and marketing array.
Thousands of customers
Sagi Yogev manages approx. 4,000 insurance portfolios of plants and companies. The number of insureds in the Group exceeds 40,000, with an annual premium turnover of approx. NIS 1.2 billion.
Sagi Yogev's organizational structure guarantees personal relation and high quality service for the Group's insureds and agents. The Group's service array is composed of work teams, each of them is in charge of handling in a fixed unit of plants, customers and agents working under it. The teams include experienced professional persons, with rich background and knowledge in insurance matters.
Sagi Yogev's areas of expertise:
> Managing pensionary arrangements vis-à-vis all insurance companies and pension funds, managers' insurance, pension plans, off-bank severance pay funds and provident funds for salarieds, shareholders and self-employeds.
> Managing and operating life assurance portfolios, pensionary arrangements and health portfolios of agencies and agents.
> Marketing partnership life insurance and key men insurance plans.
> Marketing non-bank educational funds to employees, self-employed and shareholders.
> Solving taxation problems re social benefits rights through direct contact with the appropriate income tax authorities.
> Marketing supportive insurance and medical insurance for groups and individuals.
> Developing and marketing special plans for loss of working capacity, life insurance, savings and risk for individuals.
> Marketing investment portfolios.
> Developing and marketing plans for unique professionals (doctors, lawyers, musicians, etc.)
> Insurance solutions for the high-tech industry- such as:
- Liability insurance for directors and officers.
- Professional liability insurance product liability (including spiritual property).
- Funds and capital risk insurance.
- Internet liability insurance.